How to Find the Best Spine Surgeon for You

Dallas Spine Specialist Dr Michael Wheeler MD

When it comes to your health, especially if it involves undergoing surgery, finding the right spine surgeon is crucial for the success of your treatment and overall well-being. We understand that the search for the best spine surgeon can be daunting. As experts in the field, we are here to guide you through the process, helping you make an informed decision to receive the best possible care.

Your spine is a complex and delicate structure that plays a central role in supporting your body and protecting the spinal cord. It is important to select a highly skilled and experienced surgeon who not only specializes in this field, but who has received adequate training in spine surgery. A qualified spine surgeon possesses the knowledge, expertise, and technical proficiency to diagnose and treat various spinal conditions.

Key Factors to consider when selecting a spine surgeon

  1. Credentials and certifications: Look for a surgeon who is board-certified in orthopedic spine surgery and who has completed a fellowship program in spine surgery. These credentials demonstrate that the surgeon has undergone rigorous training and has met the highest standards of competency in their specialty.
  2. Patient reviews and testimonials: Check online testimonials as well as reviews from any previous patients to evaluate their satisfaction with the surgeon’s care and outcomes. This feedback can offer real insight into the surgeon’s bedside manner, communication skills as well as the overall patient experience.
  3. Communication and Empathy: A good spine surgeon should communicate clearly, listen to your concerns, and address any questions you may have about the procedure. Empathy and understanding are important traits that contribute to a positive patient-surgeon relationship.
  4. Advanced Technology and Techniques: Inquire about the technologies and surgical techniques the surgeon employs. The use of cutting-edge technology and minimally invasive procedures can lead to quicker recovery times and better outcomes.

Steps to finding the best spine surgeon for you

  1. Conduct thorough research: Start your search by gathering a list of potential spine surgeons in your area. Utilize online search engines, medical directories, and recommendations from your primary care physician or friends who have undergone spine surgery.
  2. Review the surgeon’s website and reviews: Once you have a list, delve into each surgeon’s background, credentials, experience, and patient reviews. Pay attention to any specializations they may have and whether they focus on specific spine conditions.
  3. Arrange consultation: Meeting the surgeon in person allows you to assess his or her demeanor, communication style, and whether you feel comfortable with the care they provide.
  4. Ask Relevant Questions: During the consultations, don’t hesitate to ask relevant questions about the surgeon’s experience, success rates, and the proposed treatment plan. Understanding the risks and benefits of the procedure is crucial in making an informed decision.
  5. Consider a second opinion: If you feel uncertain or have reservations about a surgeon’s recommendations, seek a second opinion from another qualified spine specialist. This step can offer reassurance and further insights into your condition and treatment options.

Finding the best spine surgeon in your area is a key step in receiving successful treatment of your spine condition. By considering factors such as credentials, patient reviews, and communication skills, you can make an informed selection of your doctor. We are here to meet with you and help address any questions you may have prior to selecting your spine team. Contact Dr Michael Wheeler’s rooms at (214) 265-3270 to arrange an appointment, or schedule an appointment online.


Dallas Orthopedic Spine Surgeon
Dr Michael R Wheeler, MD
Orthopedic Spine Specialist Procedures